Home & Real Estate, Home & Real Estate Feature, Home & Real Estate, HBCH Spotlight, HBAT Spotlight, HBBO Spotlight, HBCA Spotlight, HBMI Spotlight, HBNY Spotlight, HBSC Spotlight, HBTX Spotlight,
8 Ways to Add Natural Lighting Elements Into Your Home
By Phebe WahlBy Phebe Wahl|September 25, 2024|Home & Real Estate, Home & Real Estate Feature, Home & Real Estate, HBCH Spotlight, HBAT Spotlight, HBBO Spotlight, HBCA Spotlight, HBMI Spotlight, HBNY Spotlight, HBSC Spotlight, HBTX Spotlight,
Lighting crafted from rattan, wicker and other natural fibers weaves an organic element into the kitchen and casts culinary spaces in a new light. These artisan-crafted lights drape kitchens in a soft, ambient glow—blending texture, sustainability and undeniable flair.